Meet Rhonda Myers

Rhonda is a trained coach and an ICF member on the professional credentialing pathway. She is an ordained minister with leadership experience in local churches and on judicatory staff. As a college faculty adjunct, she taught traditional and non-traditional students, both on campus and in alternative settings. An experienced cross cultural leader with a high level of cultural sensitivity, she has designed and facilitated equity and inclusion programs for participants across the age spectrum. Rhonda is a skilled listener, and a highly adaptable, technologically competent, life long learner, with a passion for inviting people into expanded perspectives in their personal, relational, and vocational lives.

More about Rhonda:
I was born in Brooklyn and raised, along with one older brother, in the Capitol Region of New York State. I’ve also lived in Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Vermont and Connecticut. I started college as a psychology major, but my childhood love of the natural world drew me to pursue a Bachelors degree in Earth Sciences, followed by a Master of Science in Geology. After leaving my corporate geologist career to focus on raising my children, I took on a spectrum of part time occupations including local newspaper journalist and non profit office manager. A second career in ministry brought me back full circle to my initial call to counseling, but this time in the form of pastoral care and spiritual entrepreneurship. My deep reverence for the world and all of its inhabitants continues to inform everything I do.


Still yet to do: perfect my mom’s unwritten sweet potato pie recipe; travel to Cameroon and Nigeria; research and produce a “Finding Your Roots” caliber ancestry book of life; stand at a divergent tectonic plate boundary

Things I love: writing; paddling on pristine mountain lakes; exploring new places; conversations with my adult daughters; science fiction books and films; baking cookies with my grandkids

Fun things I have done: visited 49 out of 50 US states; witnessed a space shuttle launch in person; climbed the Grand Teton; hiked inside a lava tube

Favorite accomplishments: finally learning to swim as an adult; running a half marathon; raising two globally conscious, culturally sensitive, compassionate and caring human beings; supporting my daughter at the birth of my grandchild

Guiding philosophy: As a child of the Depression Era, my father often said, “Sometimes you have to take what you have and make what you need.” I strive to be an appreciative and creative steward of personal and shared resources, be they tangible, intellectual, or temporal.

My motto: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” Maya Angelou

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